Chargers Training Camps

Next to the games, the Chargers training camps are some of the most anticipated events of the late summer. Hundreds of fans each day arrive appareled in blue and gold jerseys, perhaps a bit sleepy because of the early morning. However, that grogginess quickly transforms into excitement as they enter the sports complex while hearing the performance of the Thunderbolts drumline.

The fans instinctively smile and reach for their phones to take a recording; they love interacting with the drumline, especially when the drummers take a moment to pose for a photo or place sticks in the hands of a curious child. People even stop by the Thunderbolts’ green room solely to thank them for bringing the game day energy to these training camps.

It is a wonderful experience for fans and performers alike to experience these training camps. If you’re ever in the area, we invite you to come and see for yourself. Tickets are free online, and there’s no better way to kick off your morning or season than with the Thunderbolts drumline.